The Elite – v4 series power supply unit is a dependable choice for entry level PC builders and office work systems. The quiet 120mm fan, 80 PLUS White EU 230V efficiency, and 3 year warranty deliver a PSU that provides function and resilience you can count on. It’s the perfect option for work horse systems stored and operated in less than ideal conditions and climates. This PSU has been engineered for reliability with a focus on reducing random shutdowns in conditions where power sources are inconsistent and unstable, making it ideal for locations prone to experience brown outs. The Elite – v4 is a complete solution, offering performance and stability at an affordable price.

The new Elite – v4 has a maximum operating temperature of 40°C. That’s at the level of many 80 Plus certified power supply units on the market today. This higher operating temperature allows you to power your system safely in warmer environments without having to worry about your system overheating or shutting off unexpectedly. The higher heat resistance also reduces temperature based wear, increasing the lifespan of the unit by a noticeable amount.

The efficiency of your power supply unit is important because it directly affects your system’s performance and your power bill. The efficiency rating does not reflect the quality or reliability of a PSU. It only reflects the unit’s ability to move power from the wall to your components. The higher a PSU’s efficiency is, the lower the total amount of power it needs to power your system. The Elite – v4 has a guaranteed typical efficiency of 85%.